Penpals For Over 50 Years Finally Meet In Prince Edward Island With A Little Help From Honda
June 27 2024, Centennial Honda

In a world where technology often replaces the personal touch, some stories remind us of the magic of human connection. This is the story of Marie and Hatsuyo, penpals for over 50 years, meeting in person for the very first time.
Their journey began when they exchanged letters as children. Marie wrote from Pleasant View, PEI. Hatsuyo sent letters to Pleasant View from Fukuoka, Japan. As children, neither could anticipate the powerful connection that would last half a century.
Marie and Hatsuyo's journey begins in Charlottetown, PEI, at the Sonata Inn, where Marie and Hatsuyo lock eyes for the first time after decades of friendship. Their first embrace is emotional, but it finally bridges the distance between them.
From childhood pen pals to lifelong friends, their bond is celebrated in every moment: dressing in beautiful kimonos, snapping countless photos, capturing memories and laughter. Every moment symbolizes a new chapter in their story.
The day continues with a visit to Government House with the Honourable Antoinette Perry, Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island. Here, they exchange stories of the Princess of Japan’s visit in 2019 and Antoinette Perry's connection to Marie’s family and the community of Tignish, in which Marie grew up.
As the day progresses and the sights are being seen, a visit to the Confederation Bridge is definitely in order. Marie and Hatsuyo are then taken to Pleasant View, Marie’s childhood home. Hatsuyo finally connects with the place where letters were crafted with care before their journey across the world.
A scenic trip to North Cape reveals the PEI's rugged beauty, with its iconic red cliffs and longest natural rock reef. Marie and Hatsuyo marvel at the natural wonders, their friendship as enduring as the landscape.
The final destination is Marie’s homestead in St. Felix. Here, they read Hatsuyo’s very first letter, reminisce over decades of photos, and listen to a cassette tape of young Hatsuyo and her sister singing in Japanese and sending greetings in English – a voice from the past echoing into the present.
As their unforgettable day comes to an end, Marie and Hatsuyo’s friendship stands the test of time. Two people connected through words, having shared their lives with a pen and paper.
At Centennial Honda, we were happy to play a small role in the journey shared between Marie and Hatsuyo, as the friends were chauffeured across PEI in a Honda CR-V.
From the moment we heard about their connection, we couldn't help but think of Honda's classic slogan: you meet the nicest people in a Honda.